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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page pageid="1" ns="0" title="Main Page">
<pl ns="0" title="Chaikin: A Passion for Mars" />
<pl ns="0" title="Citizens' Alliances for Science" />
<pl ns="0" title="Evolution and the Vatican" />
<pl ns="0" title="Legislating the Value of Pi" />
<pl ns="0" title="Meller: Evolution Rx" />
<pl ns="0" title="Michaels: Doubt is their Product (2)" />
<pl ns="0" title="Muller: Physics for Future Presidents" />
<pl ns="0" title="Science Book Challenge 2011" />
<pl ns="0" title="Starlings Arrive in North America" />
<pl ns="0" title="Statements on Teaching Evolution" />
<links plcontinue="1|0|Surveying the American West" />